Over the course of the past six years, Americans have been scratching their heads as to why the Muslim/Communist plant, Barack (Benghazi Barry) Obama, doesn’t seem to be held accountable for anything while America is going through his fundamental destruction, otherwise known as “Hope and Change”. I believe that the answer is much simpler than we all thought. He is NOT in charge.
This is the way that I see it. The Federal government has been usurped at the highest level by none other than the regime in Iran who is in league with Putin and his Communist buddies. All of this being organized through the un-vetted, un-elected, well protected, IRANIAN born, Valerie Jarrett. Now I will make my case.
First, Benghazi Barry, as reported, has only shown up for roughly forty-two percent of his national security briefings. Who was attending in his place?
Second, when Bin Laden was captured and killed by Navy seals, Benghazi Barry had to be brought in from the golf course.
Third, we all know that Benghazi Barry can’t put two words together in a cognitive sentence while off of the teleprompter, unless the sentence includes I, me, or mine. When off the prompter, he is a bigger bumbling idiot than his second in command, Joe Biden.
Forth, he released five high ranking Muslim terrorists in exchange for an American traitor.
Fifth, he declared the Fort Hood terrorist killing of American soldiers as work place violence, just as his regime has about the beheading in Oklahoma by a Muslim terrorist.
Sixth, he pushed for US airstrikes in Syria, thus putting us on a collision course with Russia.
He has allowed Ebola infected people into the US while keeping our southern border open to an influx of illegal aliens who are carrying multiple diseases and, quite possibly, weapons to inflict terrorist attacks on the United States.
Throughout the tenure of his regime, many high ranking officials have come and gone, as well as big names like Oprah Winfrey. As little bits and pieces of information trickle out from this tightly controlled White House, the reason for leaving boils down to the fact that one person, Valerie Jarrett, didn’t like the particular person.
The bottom line is this: Benghazi Barry is nothing more than a figure head puppet controlled by Valerie Jarrett. She keeps him on the golf course or on vacation until she needs him to recite a speech that was written by his handlers or to sign an executive order to further add to the destruction of the country.
So, when Benghazi Barry says that he heard about a crisis from the evening news just as we all did, this is most likely the only time that he isn’t lying.
As for his quote: “I have a pen and a phone”, the phone is so Valerie can call him in off the golf course to sign another executive order.
If We the People are ever to revive this country to it’s former glory, we must remove and investigate Valerie Jarrett IMMEDIATELY!!
As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
Photo Credit: vfutscher (Flickr)
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by WesternJournalism.com.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom