I may take some heat for this article, but, if the truth hurts, give me your best shot.
For decades now, America has been in a slow decline due to the apathy of the American voter. It is appalling to me that coming from a bloodline of Patriots who went to war over a tax on tea, we have, as Americans, digressed into a people who tolerate overtaxation without proper representation, corruption, outward assaults on our Constitutional and religious rights, and an elite group who prefers to dictate and rule over us rather than submit to We the People, as our founding documents intended.
We have allowed the corrupt, left wing Communist propagandists of the main stream media to not only choose our candidates for elected office for us, but to literally destroy those who support the US Constitution and are truly chosen by the people. We have allowed the race baiters to run roughshod over our communities, causing strife and division. We allow our Government to embrace our enemies and shun our friends in the world while at the same time, plot for America’s demise. Our voting rights have been corrupted time and time again, elections are rigged as part of the norm now, our military is being decimated at an alarming rate, while we watch an immoral society be raised up where what is un-acceptable to God, is now accepted by our government.
Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves right now. Any Freedom loving American must shed a tear every time they hear the uneducated American electorate questioned on history and see them demonstrate utter failure. Pop culture and admiration for the elite is what rules this country now. The very people who are worshiped are actually the ones that are leading America to destruction. It is time for the American people to take a stand once again in the spirit of our Founders, properly educate those who don’t have a clue, run the media out on a rail through boycott, and START STANDING FOR AMERICA AGAIN! We can no longer sit back and wait to be assaulted. We must, in honor of our Fore Fathers, take the fight to the American hating Muslims, Communists, and Fascists who seek to destroy America as she was founded. Stupid is as stupid does, so break out of the anti-American mold and let’s roll. We have a country to save!
As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by WesternJournalism.com.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom